Investing Tax Efficiently

We offer a number of tax-efficient wrappers to help you achieve a more efficient, or even tax-free return on your investments.

Invest in a Stocks and Shares ISA

Although investments should be considered long term, a Stocks and Shares ISA provides flexibilty, allowing you to save regularly, or invest a lump sum.

Tax efficient

You will not pay capital gains tax on any profits, dividends from any shares or income earned on bonds.

Annual allowance

You can save up to £20,000 in an ISA this tax year, either as a lump sum or regular payments.

Consolidate your ISAs

Manage your money effectively by transfering existing cash or Stocks & Shares ISAs from other providers into your EFG Harris Allday account.

Junior Stocks and Shares ISAs

A Junior Stocks and Shares ISA provides similar benefits, allowing you to start saving early for your child. Invest up to £9,000 tax-free in a JISA this tax year, either as a lump sum or with regular payments. 

Find out more about Junior Stocks and Shares ISAs

Managing money within your pension wrapper

We offer investment management and dealing services that can be utilised with a number of SIPP providers. We do not give pension advice or provide pensions in-house.

Insights and updates

Keep up to date on our latest market insights, and find out more about our company updates in our news page.

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Contact us
  • EFG Harris Allday
    33 Great Charles Street - Birmingham B3 3JN
  • 0121 233 1222