Investment Process

Controlled enough to be safe, individual enough to be bespoke.

Our approach to investment management

We have designed our investment process to help our investment specialists deliver a bespoke, active investment management service tailored to a client's need. We utilise a wide range of asset classes for portfolio construction and draw from a broad range of resources across the company.

We deliver four core strategies and one specialised investment strategy, selected based on a client's risk profile.


Low-medium risk strategy.
This portfolio will have exposure to cash and/or fixed income investments.


Medium risk strategy.
This portfolio will have a higher exposure to fixed income investments and may have some exposure to equities and/or cash. There may also be some exposure to commercial property or alternative investments.

Diversified Equity

Medium-high risk strategy.
This portfolio will have exposure to equities and fixed income investments. There may also be some exposure to commercial property and/or alternative investments. This portfolio may also hold cash.

Equity Focused

High risk strategy.
This portfolio will usually have a higher exposure to equities or an increased focus on a single asset type. The portfolio will also hold some fixed income investments. There may also be some exposure to commercial property and/or alternative investments. The portfolio may hold cash.

Committee approach

The investment process is overseen by our in-house investment committee, made up of experienced members of our investment management, research and management team.
Our team utilise input from EFG Asset Management regarding strategic asset allocation, enhanced by short-term tactical asset allocation.
The performance of our strategies is measured against the Asset Risk Consulting Private Client Indices (PCI), a peer group comparison tool, designed to give an understanding of the actual returns generated by discretionary investment managers.

Supported by our dedicated in-house research team

Our research analysts undertake due diligence for investments for a broad range of portfolio objectives. Our in house recommended list of core investments includes what we deem to be best in class funds and companies across asset classes, investment styles and regions.

Recommendations are put forward to the investment selection committee on a regular basis and discussed in our investment committee's quarterly meetings.

ESG Considerations

Our standard investment process incorporates elements of ESG from a risk perspective. We also have coverage of a wide range of sustainable and impact investing strategies for clients with specific ESG related objectives. 

ARC 3D Award

We are delighted that again in 2023, we’ve been awarded the ARC 3D Award.  ARC provides independent investment consulting, manager research and performance reporting to private clients, charities, family offices, professional trustees and their trusted advisers. The 3D Award enables investors to identify investment managers that have demonstrated a superior standard of transparency. ARC’s 3D Award is a validation of our commitment to transparency, engagement and integrity.




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Contact us
  • EFG Harris Allday
    5th floor
    103 Colmore Row - Birmingham B3 3AG
  • 0121 233 1222