Mobile banking

EFG Harris Allday Mobile Banking is an essential tool for clients to facilitate keeping track of their finances.

EFG Mobile Banking offers EFG Harris Allday clients the possibility to easily access and check their portfolios.

Verify your recent transactions and keep up to date with your portfolio.

EFG Harris Allday will continue to enhance its mobile application in order to meet the needs of our clients. Notifcation of changes to our mobile banking will be made on our website and through communication with your investment manager.

Getting started with EFG mobile banking.

Find our step-by-step guide below to help you set up your mobile banking with EFG. Download the app through the App Store, or Google Play.

EFG mobile banking guide

Start a conversation

Contact us today to speak to a member of our team.

Contact us
  • EFG Harris Allday
    5th floor
    103 Colmore Row - Birmingham B3 3AG
  • 0121 233 1222