Before using this site, you should read the following important information relating to it. This information governs your use of this site and, by using it, you agree to be bound by our terms. If you do not agree please exit this website immediately. The contents of this website, including these terms, are subject to change by us without notice. The products and services are not offered to any person or entity in any jurisdiction where the advertisement, offer or sale of such products and services is restricted or prohibited by law or regulation or where any EFG office would be subjected to any registration or licensing requirement. This website is designed to be accessed through its principal product home pages and such other pages as we may decide. If you access the site through individual pages directly, which are not designed for this purpose, you may not see important information which is relevant to a full understanding of our products and services. In addition to this Important Information page, you will be referred on certain site pages to read "Important Information". These will contain important product details and relevant legal or regulatory information and must be read together with the relevant site pages. All references on this website to EFG are to EFG Private Bank Limited unless stated to the contrary.
Certain aspects of EFG Private Bank's service may be performed through, or with the support of, different members of EFG International, of which EFG Private Bank is a member.