Saving for Retirement

Putting your future first with specialised retirement saving solutions.

Planning for peace of mind

Whether you have already retired, are soon to retire, or you are planning for the future, we are here to provide professional support. By putting plans in place, we can give you the peace of mind that your finances can achieve the life after work which you deserve.

Understanding your investment options when it comes to retirement

Many of us are living longer and seeking a more flexible solution when it comes to retirement. 
Most of us want to maximise our free time and enjoy a comfortable retirement, which can create additional costs. 

Whether you are looking to generate an additional income or continue growing your current pension pot, our experienced team are dedicated to managing your portfolio in order to meet your investment goals. 
It is important to ensure that your income can meet both your desired and future needs, such as the cost of long-term care or passing on your wealth. When approaching retirement, it is important that you discuss your level of investment risk to ensure that your choices are suitable and in line with your goals.

Understanding your investment options when it comes to retirement

Start a conversation

Speak to one of our investment managers to discuss your retirement solutions.

Contact us
  • EFG Harris Allday
    5th floor
    103 Colmore Row - Birmingham B3 3AG
  • 0121 233 1222